Thursday, 9 October 2014

Unit 1 Communication and employment skills
in unit 1 we learnt about what skills are useful in the work place and things wont employers look for and want in people to work for them or to be part of there company.
we did a swat analysis to look for good skills and attributes an employers would like to pick out and also some negatives that might be wanted to be avoid like laziness or lack of interest for the job.







Explain importance employees want some one who can fix faults or something requires to think about without having to others to help and to be independent to have the task done on time.

some one who is always at work and try not to miss days or even come in if sick or a cold happens without having to miss work and to be always early and ready for work

some one who is always ready and at work or on the task at the right time and someone who isn't late and has the task done on time  

can be useful for lots of different thing and you can adapt to new things fast without causing delay or stoppage to the work

some one who is ready to work and always it on task to get the current task without getting distracted or losing interest 

some one who isn't shy and willing to work or communicate well with a team and not to be afraid to make mistakes 

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

illuminati Confirmed

The illuminati

The Illuminati movement was founded on May 1, 1776 in IngolstadtUpper Bavaria

Adam Weishaupt (1748–1830), founder of the Bavarian Illuminati

he goals of the Illuminati were to eliminate superstition, prejudice and the domination of government, philosophy and science which had arguments with the Roman catholic church about both of there belifes and they both wanted to be the correct sauce of information to the people .
The Illuminati has never numbered more than a few thousand members. A truly secret society cannot hope to retain its secrets if it reveals them to too many people. When the Illuminati attempts to spread its ideas to a wider audience, it does so via carefully chosen religions, organisations, secret societies and esoteric orders
there is lots of debates about the illuminati things like if its real or not or the most asked question is if it is good or bad? some people say its the richest people in the world controlling everything and the events and others think they want just all power theres lots of debates and questions people ask about this group.
People say that the Illuminati are exceptionally wealthy. Is that true?
It's true that all twelve members of the Ruling Council are wealthy, but money, for us, simply funds our mission, nothing else. We are not worshippers of Mammon, as our accusers would have you believe. [In fact, most of what could be called the "wealth" of the Illuminati is in the form of priceless treasures, not "liquid" money. Some members of the Illuminati have acquired considerable wealth; most are not wealthy.

Illuminati members took a vow of secrecy and pledged obedience to their superiors to keep the group hidden more untraceable to keep the conspiracy to continue.

The group had branches connected all over Europe and managed to grew over 2000 members within a span of over 10 years. 

Unit 1 Communication and employment skills

in unit 1 we learnt about what skills are useful in the work place and things wont employers look for and want in people to work for them or to be part of there company.
we did a swat analysis to look for good skills and attributes an employers would like to pick out and also some negatives that might be wanted to be avoid like laziness or lack of interest for the job.







Explain importance employees want some one who can fix faults or something requires to think about without having to others to help and to be independent to have the task done on time.

some one who is always at work and try not to miss days or even come in if sick or a cold happens without having to miss work and to be always early and ready for work

some one who is always ready and at work or on the task at the right time and someone who isn't late and has the task done on time  

can be useful for lots of different thing and you can adapt to new things fast without causing delay or stoppage to the work

some one who is ready to work and always it on task to get the current task without getting distracted or losing interest 

some one who isn't shy and willing to work or communicate well with a team and not to be afraid to make mistakes